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Les affirmations positives sont des phrases puissantes qui permettent de reprogrammer notre cerveau. Grâce à ces phrases qui semblent au départ futiles, nous envoyons un message clair à notre subconscient pour orienter nos pensées vers l’atteinte de nos buts. Les écoutes répétés à des moments clés de la journée (le matin et le soir lorsque les ondes cérébrales sont plus lentes et notre cerveau plus facilement programmable) vont permettre à votre enfant de se sentir confiant et en sécurité. 
Ces mantras pénétreront dans le subconscient de votre enfant, pour réécrire de nouvelles croyances dans qui contribueront à leur bien-être au quotidien.


Cet audio Affirmations Filles comprend:
- Affirmations pour le matin- durée: 5 min
- Affirmations pour le soir-  durée: 5 min
Après achat, vous recevrez automatiquement le lien pour télécharger les 2 formats audio. 


Cet audio Affirmations Garçons comprend:
- Affirmations pour le matin- durée: 5 min 
- Affirmations pour le soir-  durée: 5 min

Après achat, vous recevrez automatiquement le lien pour télécharger les 2 formats audio. 


We are all going through very difficult times since the pandemic started. I has been almost a year that our lives have been turned upside down creating more anxiety and worry about the future. We are being asked to live in the uncertainty of what tomorrow will bring in terms of finances, work or health.

We are facing with what most humans hate the most: unpredictability. No more planning, no more entertainment to distract ourselves from our anxiety. We are bing asked to go within and this is not easy.

Anxiety can be tricky to identify. You might be experiencing anxiety without being aware of it.

This workbook is very accessible and straightforward, offering a clear understanding and motivation to complete the work of healing. It incorporates a holistic approach, providing resources, tools and strategies to manage your anxiety so you can feel, heal and function at your best again.

This workbook is for you if:

- You are often stressed out or anxious.

- You are experiencing any of these: difficulty sleeping, anger, constantly avoiding specific situations, ruminating with negative thoughts, you find yourself overplanning.

- You find yourself sometimes in difficult and anxious situations and you don't know how to cope with it.

I am sharing in this workbook the best practices implemented throughout all my years of practice as a clinical psychologist and as a result of, obtaining great results with my clients.

This is a digital product. You will receive an email to download the workbook after your purchase.

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